
We recognise the benefit of integrating sustainability into our operations and for our customers. Our four values allow us to intentionally design products to live a long life, without the need for replacement, and the creation of unnecessary waste.

Illustrations of clouds
illustration of a city skyline
illustration of a cloud
illustration of silhouette skyline
illustration of skyline in blue colour
skyline silhouette in green
illustration of a cloud
illustration of a cloud
illustration of a cloud
illustration of a cloud

Improve & Innovate

Aligned With UN SDG No. 9
Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure

Help clients achieve growth and progress

  • We will supply organisations with innovative self-service solutions, that provide accessibility to information and enable universal communication.

Offer the best technology in the industry

  • We will invest in the research and development of software technology, increasing its uses and capacities in order to establish our products as top of the range.
Illustrations of donation station screens
Illustration of donation stations in situ
illustration of ceiling lights
illustration of a staircase and door
Illustrated example of donation stations in situ
illustration showing donation stations in situ
Sliced illustration used as background decoration on page

Be a Better Producer

Aligned With UN SDG No. 12
Responsible Consumption and Production

Make products that last

  • We will create long-lasting products that can be re-used or recycled in order to reduce unnecessary waste generation.

Use environmentally sound technologies and processes

  • We will encourage both employees and collaborators to use environmentally sound materials/processes when developing our products.
Dark orange speech bubble
Dark orange speech bubble
Orange speech bubble
Small orange speech bubble
Illustration of people sitting around a table in an office setting
Page illustration
Dark orange speech bubble
Dark orange speech bubble
Small orange speech bubble
Orange speech bubble
background illustration showing a window and pot plant
illustration of people sitting around a table in an ofice
illustration of a table and chair

Encourage Diversity & Inclusion

Aligned With UN SDG No. 10
Reduced Inequalities​

Promote decent job creation for all

  • We will actively ensure equal opportunities and practices when recruiting or hiring for new roles.

Build a business that respects and supports everyone

  • We will practice social, economic and political inclusion throughout our office, in order to support our team and make them feel comfortable.
Birds iconography used as decoration on the page
Illustration of building inside bell jars
illustration of orange window blinds
design elements for the page
illustration of buildings inside bell jars
wavy background design shape in pink
Pink bird image
Dark purple bird image used decoratively on the page
Dark purple bird image used decoratively on the page

Make a Difference

Aligned With UN SDG No. 11
Sustainable Cities and Communities

Do something that matters, for the people and the planet

  • We will openly review and develop ongoing projects in order to improve our processes and create a culture of change.

Create products and services that make the world a better place

  • We will create products that help fund the protection and safeguarding of cultural and natural heritage.

Recent Case Studies

2024 Wrapped

What a year 2024 was for GWD! Going into 2024, we set ourselves many goals, but our main mission has always remained the same: help

Christmas with The Salvation Army

Tap Into the Season of Giving

70% of people plan on giving this Christmas As the year draws to a close, the third sector is gearing up to make the most

Get in touch

Who would you like to speak to?​

Have a general enquiry?


Give us a call on
0114 553 1399