Interactive digital donation devices and how they help charities fundraise better
We’ve all seen a change in how we pay for goods and services.
Our payment cards are essential, and contactless payments are the preference for many businesses, and charities when it comes to fundraising and digital giving devices.
Consider the donation experience at the end of your supermarket shop?
For both the charity and grocer, it’s about capturing peoples’ attention; starting a relationship between donor and organization. It’s common to see token drops in many UK supermarket chains, which are designed to ask for an opinion on where shoppers want their local supermarket to focus its CSR activities, and who to support in the community.
Behavioural science studies show people give more when they feel connected with a local group or community, as well as the wish to be seen as socially active, generous or altruistic.
When offered a choice, we gain power over a cause.
We feel engaged and briefly connected with a charity.
Fundraising for a digital user experience
Apply this approach to a museum or hospital charity.
Then address another key objective of any fundraiser: How do we connect with the donor beyond an initial transaction?
A good digital giving device will give users the chance to voice their support for one of a number of projects, just like the token drop method.
By handing over power to the donor, it makes for a more interactive and memorable experience. And crucially, a good digital giving device provides opportunities for future interaction.
The Donation Station by GWD can be tailored to offer a choice of destinations where a contactless donation ends up, and prompt the user to choose a donation amount from a typically suggested figure up to larger sums.
By designing an experience where various donation amounts are offered and a choice made for the destination of those funds, a charity takes its donor on a journey that stimulates the pleasure button in our brains.
We feel happy to give or support a cause and a particular initiative.
“A traditional cash donation box is always helpful for loose change. By adding digital devices that propose different amounts, beyond the standard donation, improves the chances of larger donations considerably.”
– Marek Narkiewicz, CEO
Want more info?
We provide demonstrations of our Donation Station online regularly.
Get in touch to see it in action and discover more about digital giving devices.
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Who are GWD?
We help socially-minded organisations transition to digital systems, building stronger relationships through impactful products and services.
Our experience goes back two decades, with a foundation building and providing critical digital services and products for the financial services and retail industries.
With a long-proven ability to handle challenging projects and a team of trusted experts, we work hard to solve problems and deliver change that helps others.
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